Terrasat IBUC R X Band 175W-1
Request a quote at Contact@orbitalconnect.com or +1.888.315.9545
The IBUC R has all of the advanced IBUC features and the upgraded RJ45 M&C connector.
IBUC offers significant benefits:
- Low terminal cost
- Simple design and installation
- Superior RF performance
- Simplified 1+1 configuration
New interfaces connect you to extensive M&C facilities for network management or local access. This powerful new M&C enables:
- Trouble-free commissioning with easy, point-and-click installation/configuration
- Continuous verification of performance with time-stamped alarm history
- Simplified monitoring of terminal status
- TCP/IP HTTP with embedded Web pages
- TELNET through TCP/IP
- FSK through TX IFL cable
- RS232/485 serial port
- Hand-held terminal
Frequency Range RF (MHz) IF(MHz)
7900 to 8400 950 to 1450
VSWR/Impedance 1.5:1 max/ 50 Ohm
Input Connector Type N Female (50 Ohm)
Input Connector Options Type F (75 Ohm), TNC (50 Ohm)
Input Power Detector Range -55 to -20 dBm
Small Signal Gain (L-band to RF) with Attenuator Set to 0 dB
80W 80 dB min
100W 81 dB min
125W 82 dB min
150W 83 dB min
175W 83 dB min
Attenuator Range 30 dB Variable in 0.1 dB Steps
Gain Flatness
Full Band 4 dB p-p max
36 MHz 1.5 dB p-p max
1 MHz 0.25 dB p-p max
Gain Variation Over Temperature
Open Loop 3 dB p-p max
With AGC 1 dB p-p max
RF Output
Interface CPR-112G
VSWR 1.5:1 max
Rated Output Power P1dB
80W +49 dBm min
100W +50 dBm min
125W +51 dBm min
150W +51.8 dBm min
175W +52.4 dBm min
IMD3 (2 Carriers, 3 dB TOBO) -27 dBc max
Level Stability with ALC ± 0.5 dB
Output Power Detector Range Rated Power to -20 dB
Power Reading Accuracy ± 1.0 dB max
In Band -65 dBc
Out Band Complies with MIL-STD 188-164B.
Harmonics -60 dBc max.
Output Noise Power Density
TX <- 75 dBm/Hz
RX (with RX Reject Filter) <- 165 dBm/Hz
Mute -70 dBc max.
AM-PM Conversion < 3.0 deg/dB @ Rated Power
Group Delay
Linear 0.03 ns/MHz
Parabolic 0.003 ns/MHz
Ripple 1 ns p-p Over Any 36 MH
SSB Phase Noise External Reference IBUC
10 Hz -115 dBC/Hz -55 dBc/Hz
100 Hz -140 dBc/Hz -80 dBc/Hz
1 KHz -150 dBc/Hz -90 dBc/Hz
10 KHz -155 dBc/Hz -95 dBc/Hz
100 KHz N/A -100 dBc/Hz
1 MHz N/A -110 dBc/Hz
External Reference (multiplexed on TX IFL)
Frequency 10 MHz
Level -12 to +5 dBm
Internal Reference- Optional
Local Oscillator Frequency 6950 MHZ
Sense Non-Inverting
IBUC Power Supply
Voltage DC 42 V min, 60 V max
AC 100 to 240 VAC 80W to 125W
200 to 240 VAC 150W to 175W
Power Consumption DC AC
80W 576 W 656 VA
100W 770 W 850 VA
125W 880 W 950 VA
150W 1100 W 1250 VA
175W 1200 W 1300 VA
Monitor & Control
Ethernet (HTTP, Telnet, SNMPv2c) via RJ45 Connector
RS232/485, Handheld Terminal via MS-Type Connector,
FSK multiplexed on TX IFL.
Operating Temperature -40°C to +55°C
Relative Humidity 100% Condensing
Altitude 10,000 ft (3,000 m) ASL
Mechanical DC Powered AC Powered
80W 12.2 x 7.2 x 6.5 in.
310 x 183 x 165 mm.
12.2 x 7.2 x 6.8 in.
310 x 183 x 173 mm
18.5 lbs 19.5 lbs
8.4 kgs 8.9 kgs
100W-175W 16.2 x 10 x 7.2 in.
412 x 254 x 183 mm.
16.2 x 10 x 7.4 in.
412 x 254 x 188 mm.
32 lbs 33 lbs
14.5 kgs 14.9 kgs
The IBUC R has all of the advanced IBUC features and the upgraded RJ45 M&C connector.
IBUC offers significant benefits:
- Low terminal cost
- Simple design and installation
- Superior RF performance
- Simplified 1+1 configuration
New interfaces connect you to extensive M&C facilities for network management or local access. This powerful new M&C enables:
- Trouble-free commissioning with easy, point-and-click installation/configuration
- Continuous verification of performance with time-stamped alarm history
- Simplified monitoring of terminal status
- TCP/IP HTTP with embedded Web pages
- TELNET through TCP/IP
- FSK through TX IFL cable
- RS232/485 serial port
- Hand-held terminal
Frequency Range RF (MHz) IF(MHz)
7900 to 8400 950 to 1450
VSWR/Impedance 1.5:1 max/ 50 Ohm
Input Connector Type N Female (50 Ohm)
Input Connector Options Type F (75 Ohm), TNC (50 Ohm)
Input Power Detector Range -55 to -20 dBm
Small Signal Gain (L-band to RF) with Attenuator Set to 0 dB
80W 80 dB min
100W 81 dB min
125W 82 dB min
150W 83 dB min
175W 83 dB min
Attenuator Range 30 dB Variable in 0.1 dB Steps
Gain Flatness
Full Band 4 dB p-p max
36 MHz 1.5 dB p-p max
1 MHz 0.25 dB p-p max
Gain Variation Over Temperature
Open Loop 3 dB p-p max
With AGC 1 dB p-p max
RF Output
Interface CPR-112G
VSWR 1.5:1 max
Rated Output Power P1dB
80W +49 dBm min
100W +50 dBm min
125W +51 dBm min
150W +51.8 dBm min
175W +52.4 dBm min
IMD3 (2 Carriers, 3 dB TOBO) -27 dBc max
Level Stability with ALC ± 0.5 dB
Output Power Detector Range Rated Power to -20 dB
Power Reading Accuracy ± 1.0 dB max
In Band -65 dBc
Out Band Complies with MIL-STD 188-164B.
Harmonics -60 dBc max.
Output Noise Power Density
TX <- 75 dBm/Hz
RX (with RX Reject Filter) <- 165 dBm/Hz
Mute -70 dBc max.
AM-PM Conversion < 3.0 deg/dB @ Rated Power
Group Delay
Linear 0.03 ns/MHz
Parabolic 0.003 ns/MHz
Ripple 1 ns p-p Over Any 36 MH
SSB Phase Noise External Reference IBUC
10 Hz -115 dBC/Hz -55 dBc/Hz
100 Hz -140 dBc/Hz -80 dBc/Hz
1 KHz -150 dBc/Hz -90 dBc/Hz
10 KHz -155 dBc/Hz -95 dBc/Hz
100 KHz N/A -100 dBc/Hz
1 MHz N/A -110 dBc/Hz
External Reference (multiplexed on TX IFL)
Frequency 10 MHz
Level -12 to +5 dBm
Internal Reference- Optional
Local Oscillator Frequency 6950 MHZ
Sense Non-Inverting
IBUC Power Supply
Voltage DC 42 V min, 60 V max
AC 100 to 240 VAC 80W to 125W
200 to 240 VAC 150W to 175W
Power Consumption DC AC
80W 576 W 656 VA
100W 770 W 850 VA
125W 880 W 950 VA
150W 1100 W 1250 VA
175W 1200 W 1300 VA
Monitor & Control
Ethernet (HTTP, Telnet, SNMPv2c) via RJ45 Connector
RS232/485, Handheld Terminal via MS-Type Connector,
FSK multiplexed on TX IFL.
Operating Temperature -40°C to +55°C
Relative Humidity 100% Condensing
Altitude 10,000 ft (3,000 m) ASL
Mechanical DC Powered AC Powered
80W 12.2 x 7.2 x 6.5 in.
310 x 183 x 165 mm.
12.2 x 7.2 x 6.8 in.
310 x 183 x 173 mm
18.5 lbs 19.5 lbs
8.4 kgs 8.9 kgs
100W-175W 16.2 x 10 x 7.2 in.
412 x 254 x 183 mm.
16.2 x 10 x 7.4 in.
412 x 254 x 188 mm.
32 lbs 33 lbs
14.5 kgs 14.9 kgs
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