Request a quote at Contact@orbitalconnect.com or +1.888.315.9545
The AXIOM-N Encryption Compact is our smallest, most powerful satellite modem to date, designed to provide exceptional performance and reliability, with the lowest power consumption aimed specifically at the VSAT and mobile systems networks. The availability of higher order modulations makes the AXIOM
Compact ideal to support new HTS satellites, so future proofing your investment.
Features include:
• High capacity: IP-centric, DVB-S2X, options up to 345Mb/s Tx, 230Mb/s Rx
• Secure: SCPC is more secure than TDMA, and provides guaranteed bandwidth for always-on applications.
• Compatible with Q & AXIOM products
• Enhanced Doppler: Superior performance for LEO and MEO communications with an allowable frequency shift of up to ±700kHz and rate of change up to ±100kHz/s
• Star remote node in a Point-to-Multipoint system, with an QMultiFlex-400 Hub or Point-to-Point with AXIOM or Q Series Modems.
• Built-in AES-256 Encryption for enhanced security
The AXIOM-N Encryption Compact is our smallest, most powerful satellite modem to date, designed to provide exceptional performance and reliability, with the lowest power consumption aimed specifically at the VSAT and mobile systems networks. The availability of higher order modulations makes the AXIOM
Compact ideal to support new HTS satellites, so future proofing your investment.
Features include:
• High capacity: IP-centric, DVB-S2X, options up to 345Mb/s Tx, 230Mb/s Rx
• Secure: SCPC is more secure than TDMA, and provides guaranteed bandwidth for always-on applications.
• Compatible with Q & AXIOM products
• Enhanced Doppler: Superior performance for LEO and MEO communications with an allowable frequency shift of up to ±700kHz and rate of change up to ±100kHz/s
• Star remote node in a Point-to-Multipoint system, with an QMultiFlex-400 Hub or Point-to-Point with AXIOM or Q Series Modems.
• Built-in AES-256 Encryption for enhanced security